One of the most frequent questions asked of psychic mediums is - 'when people die, can their souls get stuck on the earth plane?' The idea that 'bad' humans or people who made mistakes in life are destined to spend eternity wandering lost comes from a place of fear, often a societal fear that originates from organised religion which is big on sin, hell and evil, and paying penance for your wrongdoings.
Most credible mediums will tell you what happens when we die is that our souls leave our physical body and go to join the greater consciousness, creator/god or the universe. In this blissful state, souls exist in their own dimension, not just looking over us, but also having their own role in an 'after life' (I believe we cannot imagine what life looks like without a physical body, but most mediums say spirit do continue to live and experience new things when they have left earth).
It's difficult for some people to understand how someone who perhaps committed terrible crimes can get to experience the same blissful after-life as a person who was loving and giving.
But those behaviours like addiction, abuse and so on are things which are a human experience, and they are not taken forward after death when their soul ascends, although it's believed we do learn from our mistakes in this life. Often, spirit comes through to loved ones via a medium to make amends for their behaviour and apologise for their actions.
If spirits are not 'earthbound' then, how do we explain ghosts and other paranormal activity? I have never seen a ghost, but I have felt spirits' presence, (including a very scary experience of a ghostly hand caressing my face while I slept in an ancient hotel room). I believe 'ghosts' and hauntings are visiting spirits who sense humans who are open to or capable of feeling or seeing their presence, and therefore make themselves known. Spirits are often drawn to people and places they have an emotional connection with, so it would make sense that they can revisit homes they loved, or the place they died.
Just to add, the 'spirit world' is not some magical land in the sky. It is all around us, on a different frequency (or dimension). So when we experience the presence of spirit, or see signs, or ghosts, they are not 'stuck' on earth, just moving into our frequency to be acknowledged.