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Reiki Visions: Opening a Psychic Channel

For many people, the eastern energy healing modality, Reiki not only opens a channel to receive physical and emotional healing, but can also be the beginning of psychic awareness.

Many practitioners report seeing pictures, colours or feeling information about their clients during a treatment, and many clients also report seeing colours or pictures, as well as feeling strong emotions.

I was visiting my Reiki practitioner in late 2020, and was deep in a meditative state when I began to see a picture form in my mind, of the mythical winged horse, Pegasus. I also felt as if I was wearing a flower crown and white robe, lying on the treatment table with my eyes closed.

Back at home, I researched Pegasus and found he was an immortal winged horse of Greek mythology, who flew between the world of the gods and earth, carrying Zeus' thunderbolts. Spiritually, Pegasus represents a new freedom, and rising to meet your higher self.

When I returned for further Reiki treatments, I saw a vision of a woman, wearing the flower crown and white robe I had been wearing in the previous session. I felt this was a spirit guide, and in my mind I asked what her name was. "Gwenhwyfar" she said. This robed woman appeared in my mind clearly for several minutes, but didn't say anything else. I went home and googled Gwenhwyfar. A Welsh name meaning 'white ghost'... (More on this later).

After these perplexing experiences, I decided to learn Reiki for myself. In 2020, I completed the first attunement, and in 2021 I became a Reiki 2 practitioner. Self-treatments of reiki over the last few years have had powerful results; in both body and mind. Reiki is a soothing, comforting energy and can be a form of self-care. I also believe that beginning to work with my own energy centres, or chakras, helped in opening a channel for psychic development, and I believe that we can all work with a similar, universal energy without being 'attuned', just by sitting in regular meditation and using visualisation.



The Soul Guide

A psychic development journey

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