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The evolution of our soul purpose

It is the age-old question that has had humans scratching their heads for hundreds of years. Why are we here? What is my purpose?

In the western society I am writing this from, our 'purpose' is drummed into us from a young age - pass exams, get a good job, somewhere to live, maybe have a family. But that isn't our soul's purpose, is it?

Well, yes and no. It's my belief that a soul purpose doesn't have to be complicated or grand. Your purpose in this lifetime may be to be a good friend, a loving parent, or perhaps a great dancer or comedian - someone who brings joy to others' lives. There are also plenty of everyday heroes who make our lives better too.

Your soul purpose may not be the same throughout your life, either. You may have multiple experiences of 'soul work' from childhood to old age. You may work in a helping profession for 20 years and then spend the rest of your time cultivating beautiful gardens. As we grow and evolve, so does our soul and its ambitions.

But if you are talking about having that sense of ennui that sets in when you aren't interested in climbing the corporate ladder any more, or after a divorce or other major life event which makes you question what you are supposed to be doing with your life - then I believe that is a great time to ask yourself: 'what does my soul want?'

Maybe your soul wants to lead a silent retreat in the mountains, or work in a donkey sanctuary. A good place to start when we want to find answers from our soul is to look at what we enjoyed as children, before we were instructed in the ways of society. Acting? Singing? Writing stories? A soul purpose does not have to be a full time job - in fact following a completely soul-led life is a bonus for the privileged. We all have to make a living and take care of ourselves and our loved ones. But if we have that one passion project, that is truly for ourselves, which makes us feel alive when we are doing it - that is your soul purpose.

I'd like to mention also that your soul purpose doesn't have to be monetised. Fill your flat with paintings or felt animals, write books or poetry that no one will read. A windowsill garden is still a magnificent creation. Your soul wants what lights you up. Make time for it in your life and you will feel 'purpose' again.


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