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What's it like... visiting a Spiritualist church?

Some Spiritualist churches are more God focused than others. In the UK we have the Christian Spiritualists and then the other churches and centres who are more relaxed about the idea of a creator - you can call it spirit, the universe, source or whatever you feel comfortable with. And did you know - there is a Spiritualist church every four miles in the UK? (Allegedly). A few decades ago, the churches were packed every weekend, as Spiritualism was very popular before you could contact a medium online.

My visit to my local church was on a hot summer's day. I parked outside and walked into the venue, which was church like in nature, chairs set out on each side of an aisle, and at the front a lectern, some nice plastic flowers and pictures of notable Spiritualists of the past on the walls. The 'seven principles' of Spiritualism were also displayed on the wall.

What was strange was that firstly, there was a dog in the congregation, and secondly, some people had come along in shorts and flip flops. I used to get sent to Sunday school at the Church of England as a child, and had to wear Sunday best and sometimes even a hat if it was a big event like Easter. Seems like that's not such a big deal with Spiritualists - even the visiting medium was in jeans and a tee shirt.

The Sunday service - known as the Divine Service - began and we sang a Simon and Garfunkle song, then said the Lord's prayer. Then we sat quietly with our eyes closed and sent out spiritual healing to those in need. I must admit, the cognitive dissonance was strong - I'm in a church, but not like any other church. There's God, but there's also flip flops and pop songs.

The medium then gave the address - I presumed this was like a sermon, but it did sound more like a book of inspirational quotes from Instagram. Go outside in nature! Remember to be kind! We need to find peace within before we can heal the world...

Then the moment everyone had been waiting for, the medium began to link to the spirit world to relay messages from departed loved ones to the congregation. The first person they chose - nope, didn't recognise the spirit person. Second person she chose, no didn't recognise that one either. The third person in spirit was so vague that the recipient could have been anyone. And then the medium came to me.

As they described the person linked to me who had supposedly passed, I did recognise some of the description, of a friend of mine - very much still living. I accepted the information (as she was having a terrible demonstration) and thought that much of mediumship is probably a psychic reading passed off as a link with the other side, sadly.

Everyone was very lovely and welcoming at the church, people obviously knew each other well and there was a sense of community. I enjoyed the singing and the ritual of it all and would probably go back - but will be sitting at the back out of messages' way next time.



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