If you have googled your way to this post, I'm guessing that you have been experiencing premonitions - that is sensing psychic information about events which later transpire.
Most people who say they experience premonitions describe them as a feeling of doom or foreboding, they can be accompanied by images in the mind's eye, or words and sentences spoken internally. Some people can feel sensations of events yet to happen in their own body.
When my psychic abilities first started becoming more noticeable, it was premonitions which happened first. Driving in my car I suddenly saw a scene of my toddler son falling out of an open window at his dad's house, it was as clear as a photograph in my mind's eye, and came with a wave of anxiety from my toes to the top of my head. I arrived ten minutes later to find panic stations as indeed my son had fallen out of an open window and the unfolding scene looked exactly like the picture I had seen on the way minutes before.
During the covid lockdown when the world was quiet, I had started to experience other 'warnings' and they were usually about health matters - my mum's husband having a stroke, my friend's cat dying and so on. It started freaking me out because I could sense the information - for example the stroke, I felt my left side going numb - but I didn't know who it referred to, until I received the texts later on or the next day. That was probably the most worrying part.
More recently, my partner was getting ready for a work trip abroad, and said they felt tired. I heard a voice say 'you'll be ill by Sunday' and sure enough, we were both laid up in bed by the end of the weekend with flu.
Out of all the strange and wonderful psychic experiences I have had, I didn't feel that premonitions were that helpful. Most often it's things you can't prevent (should you even warn people?) and they are usually about unpleasant subjects. The way I stopped them happening so regularly was to actually say out loud "I don't want to experience this type of psychic information. I am happy to receive information for the highest good of all concerned only". So only a few slip through the net now, and thankfully they don't come with a side order of doom.