I travelled to West London for a workshop with Anne Theato, psychic medium and podcaster, at the infamous College of Psychic Studies. The day was an opportunity to flex our clairvoyant muscles and see if we could tune into the energy of objects and others in the room using remote viewing (among other things).
Remote viewing - according to Wiki - is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject, purportedly sensing with the mind. Reportedly the FBI investigated remote viewing’s uses for spying (for around 20 years, that’s a pretty long investigation). As I’ve been using a free app called RV Tournament to practice ‘seeing a picture before it is revealed’ most days, I thought that I was pretty good at the old remote viewing of objects. I’ve had some uncanny “guesses” as my partner calls them.
Well, it turned out I was the absolute worst in the room at sensing details from a picture on Anne’s laptop. I could not have got it more wrong. However, I was somehow able to see inside someone’s apartment when we teamed up for a 1-1 remote viewing exercise.
“I consent to you joining my energy” said the woman sitting opposite me on a chair.
“Just imagine a link between us and then look into my home”. The first thing I saw in my mind’s eye was an apartment with large windows, with a mountain outside - did this mean we were high up geographically? I felt like the apartment was in a tall block, but on a lower floor. On the windowsill, were lots of small plants, like herbs, growing. And a small animal - a cat? I also felt as if my partner for this exercise was in a same sex relationship. How did I do? I asked after I had made my statements.
“Well I live in Mexico, and I am in a mountain region,” she said. “And you’re right about being in a block but not far up - I’m in a converted office block so it has huge windows. And yes, I have lots and lots of plants, they are propagating on the windowsills. I don’t have a cat though, I have two small dogs. And the same sex relationship? I live with my sister.” I was totally speechless, how is this possible? The images had just appeared in my mind, as if in my imagination.
There were 19 of us in the workshop and everyone was able to “get” some level of awareness of their partner’s home. Whether that is because we all have an interest in psychic matters, or previous experience, or perhaps because everyone has access to extra sensory perception, but few of us exercise it regularly enough to be noticeable or useful.
I left the College marvelling at the mind’s amazing powers. And just a little bit in awe. And a little bit feeling like I shouldn’t be looking into people’s front rooms! I am looking forward to signing up for some more development days at the college soon.
If you would like to hear more about remote viewing, or you use it yourself, let me know in the comments.